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boiler room girls造句

  • During the his campaign, she worked as one of the " Boiler Room Girls ".
  • Gargan simultaneously went to the hotel where the " boiler room girls " were staying to inform them about the incident.
  • On the plus side, it lands a first-ever interview with one of Kopechne's best friends-- a fellow " Boiler Room Girl " who worked on Robert Kennedy's presidential campaign and who had attended a party with Kopechne and Teddy Kennedy that night.
  • Kennedy claimed at the inquest that he called Kopechne's name several times from the shore, tried to swim down to reach her seven or eight times, and then rested on the bank for around 15 min before he returned on foot to Lawrence Cottage, where the party attended by Kopechne and the other " Boiler Room Girls " had occurred.
  • It's difficult to see boiler room girls in a sentence. 用boiler room girls造句挺难的
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